
All of this by Yourself

You know,
The world isn’t always directed by the others

When you learned
Instead of being taught

Or poured your own drink
Rather than letting frat boys inherit your fate

You cut your own hair
Because ten dollars
Was too expensive

Promises under a dollar
Can’t even match
For homemade
Peanut Butter bliss

Even though the odds are earth to one
You surprise yourself
Decisive destiny

But why then do I bleed
When I pick my scabs?
Or rip out family trees
Because I drive drunk?

And that paper for poly/sci
Was pasted from the internet

I’ve got blood on my dick
And that girl from back home is pregnant
With my daughter

Could you really do all of this by yourself?

------ben hubbard

here is a link to his blog, which I follow: http://footpowderproverbs.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Ben Hubbard said...

Ha! more like The world isn’t always directed by "Mothers"