
How is that okay?
I’m not a toy to use.
I won’t sit here and take it.
what you did is called abuse.
You’re lucky I’m afraid
to report just what you did.
To let you have your way with me
was something I forbid.
Now that you got what you want.
what will happen next?
will you be disgusting with your webcam
or just send me dirty texts?
You ask me what I want.
It doesn’t really matter.
When you asked the first time,
you dismissed my wants as chatter.I didn’t want that to happen.
You know that, and I’m sure.
So why you fucked me anyways –
I’ll always be unsure.



Ben Hubbard said...

This was hot

Anonymous said...

uh ben, that poem seemed like it was about rape... im not so sure rape is hot. it actually made me really sad, considering rape is actually a lot more prevalent than crime reports will ever indicate. i know at least 2 people that have been raped and if they saw your comment they would be completely horrified that you actually said that.