

People seem to think
Love is a saving grace
from without

Love is kept locked up
in you
until someone with a key
lets it be free

when you meet your Love
you'll know

her eyes will cut through you
like you were nothing
you'll see the universe in those eyes
her smile will tell you that you are

and you'll know that it's true

Love is a constant surprise
and you'll laugh just to know
you have it

you'll forget the world you knew
it wasn't real
This is a beautiful new world
and it is everything to you

She'll wrap her coil around your heart
and you'll never be the same
and she'll never be the same

Love is forgetting yourself
it is finding hairline cracks and matching them with yours
it is the days that are seconds
it is irreplacable moments of fertile silence
it is knowing that flowers aren't just flowers and a ring isn't just a ring
it is losing pretense and knowing who you are
it is repetition of gestures that mean more than just a touch
it is sharing everything always forever
Love is what makes life worth living
